
                     (ISSN: 2582-1601)

Volume 9 Issue 6

1.    The challenges faced by Community Child Care workers in fostering child protection for survivors of intimate partner violence in Zimbabwe, with specific reference to Epworth and Goromonzi
Happya Tendai Mayuni || Abigirl Rudorwashe Benhura || Boniface Chenjerai Chisaka
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2.    Hagia Sophia: The Epitome Of Sacred Lighting
Yueming Qi
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3.    Villa Savoye: Embodiment of Classics and Modern
Yueming Qi
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4.    (Semantic Change In Oza Rangkuti’s Content)
Usman pakaya || kartin Lihawa || Abdurrahman fitra ilato
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5.    English Language Learning Using the Tradmod Method at Porodisa Learning Center Manado
Treesje L.Runtuwene || Anneke M. Kaunang || Treesje A.C.Langi || Grace Ropa || Jemmy Pangemanan || Agustinus lumettu
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